Monday, December 24, 2007


All reading my article please be informed this is the protocol for the care-taker chief minister of Pakistani Punjab.
I don't think any where in the world anyone encounters such protocols so often.
The CM lives near my house (believe me i m not filthy rich its just a co-incidence).
This is unedited movie of the protocol of our beloved chief minister (who is just care taking and is siting in that Small black corolla).
The corolla is small because the last CM had 2 Mercedes and one BMW in his protocol (both Mercedes were specially built and were bullet proof) plus at least 5 land cruisers (police escort) 2 or 3 VI GO (Personnel security<actually they are elite force people who has seen the cricket matches in Pakistan must know about them) and GOD-knows how many heavy bikes to maintain a steady speed of at least 140 mph on city roads and they can do that too because every road they go on is already emptied just think this road was emptied 10 minutes before the Care-taker CM had to pass.
That's the VVIIPPPP culture of Pakistan.
Now no person asks me about the protocol of our beloved PRESIDENT GENERAL(retd.).
I love to write the word retired now.
See yeah people and please post your countries or regions protocol woes.

1 comment:

Saad Shaikh said...


you scribble good... :)

abt the topic... well.. yeh ghar ghar ki kahani hai...

its the same in Pakistan.. India... or anywhere in the world...

only that the ministers of US use Choppers instead of sedans... :p

go on... bust the creeps... ;)